About Dr VandenBurg
Dr. M J VandenBurg
Fellow Royal College of Physicians
Fellow American College of Clinical Pharmacology
Fellow Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine
Member International Stress Management Association
Dr Malcolm Vandenburg is a Specialist in General and Pharmaceutical Medicine.
He is available to give medico-legal expert witness reports and appear as a medico legal expert witness and supply medical written expert opinions in any matters referred to on this page.
Malcolm VandenBurg qualified in St Bartholomew’s Hospital in 1973. He obtained a BSc in Physiology and his hospital training included sexual health, urology, cardiology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, neurology and respiratory medicine.
He was a lecturer in medicine, an Honorary Senior Registrar at the Professorial Medicine Unit at the London Hospital where he continued his training in General Internal Medicine, specialising in Sexual Health, Cardiology and Nephrology.
He has established and sold successful clinical research organisations, clinical laboratories and management training organisations.
He founded Positive under Pressure seminars for the medical profession, and has run parent support groups entitled Parents under Pressure for the Adolescent Inpatient Unit of the Capio Hospital, Chelsea.